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Queues in python

3 minute read

Queues are a really useful data structure that are being frequently used both in application code and are also utilized by libraries. In this post, we’ll see...

Memoization in python

3 minute read

Memoization is loosely defined as an optimization technique that is usually applied on functions that are quite expensive to run.

SOLID principles: Single responsibility

5 minute read

SOLID is a set of principles that lead to cleaner, more maintenable and extensible code. The first principle is the Single Responsibility Principle or SRP.

Quick tip: Generating unique IDs in python

3 minute read

There are several cases where we need to generate a unique identifier in our applications. One way to do it is to roll your own implementation, usually rando...

Functional programming with Javascript

10 minute read

In the past few years, functional programming’s popularity has increased and new languages (like elixir or scala) that embrace it have been created. But what...

Encryption the easy way with lockbox gem

6 minute read

There are several occasions where we need to encrypt some data, whether they are fields in a database or files. In some cases, encryption is needed in order ...

Implementing a circuit breaker in go

8 minute read

Recently I read about the circuit breaker pattern and I believe it is an interesting pattern with many use cases in today’s microservices-centric universe :)

Logging in go

5 minute read

It is common knowledge that logging is super important. It is necessary for debugging purposes on your local environment or for tracing some weird behavior i...